This website was created for use of the Family Readiness Group of the HSL-48 Vipers.

The purpose of this website is to keep FRG Members updated on happenings around town, on base, and with our group. We also have some helpful links listed on the right panel and are constantly adding more. Please SUBSCRIBE to receive email feeds when we post.

Contact your FRG President (Kelly Morris), your Vice President (Bethany Stearns) or your HSL-48 Ombudsman, Mandy Dunn please click the appropriate name listed under "Contributors" on the right panel.

FRG Calendar

Monday, August 9, 2010

K7 Voicemail

I just added this link under the "Helpful Military Links" section of the website.  I love this site!  When my husband was deployed, I signed up for him, using his email address and created a password.  He received a phone number, and I used that number to call him and leave voicemails.  The voicemails were sent to him via low-bandwidth email, so that he could hear our voices while he's gone without bogging down the ship's internet (by clicking on a link in the email, I believe, and entering his password).  You can also fax things to that phone number and they will receive the fax in an email.  The phone number does not have a local area code, but if you have a top 5/10/whatever friends with your cell phone plan, or unlimited long distance with your home phone, it will be completely free to call and leave messages.  I actually used this so much, that my husband had to remind me that I could email him, too.  He would save and/or print the emails and reread them when he was missing us, but I think K7 only saves a few of the most recent voicemails. 

Enjoy the link!

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